TIMIEPOXY - Gloss Epoxy Enamel

TIMIEPOXY - Gloss Epoxy Enamel

· High chemical, abrasion, shock and corrosion resistance
· Suitable for painting floors and walls in industrial facilities such as water treatment plants, slaughterhouses, chemical industry in general, gas bottles, etc.
· It is also recommended for painting submerged surfaces such as swimming pools and tanks
· Resistant to fresh, salt water, diluted acids and bases, oils and fats




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Finishing> Brilliant
Application> Conventional spray gun, airless spray gun, brush and roller
Yield> 7 to 9 m2 / L / Coat
Number of coats> 2 to 3
Surface drying> 2 hours
Hardening> 24 hours
Repainting> 24 to 72 hours
Dilution in sup. of iron> 5 to 10% of Timipoxy Diluent on the total of the mixture in all the coats
Dilution in sup. of cement> 1st Coat 20 to 25% of Diluent Timipoxy; 2nd coat and following 5 to 10% of Timipoxy Diluent
Cleaning the material> Timipoxy thinner or Cellulose Diluent immediately after application
For m2 area to paint, you'll need              liters/coat
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